Source code for iso8601.iso8601

"""ISO 8601 date time string parsing

Basic usage:
>>> import iso8601
>>> iso8601.parse_date("2007-01-25T12:00:00Z")
datetime.datetime(2007, 1, 25, 12, 0, tzinfo=<iso8601.Utc ...>)


import datetime
import re
import typing
from decimal import Decimal

__all__ = ["parse_date", "ParseError", "UTC", "FixedOffset"]

# Adapted from
ISO8601_REGEX = re.compile(
            (?!$)  # Don't allow YYYYMM
                    (?P<separator>[ T])
        ){0,1}  # YYYY-MM
    ){0,1}  # YYYY only

[docs]class ParseError(ValueError): """Raised when there is a problem parsing a date string"""
UTC = datetime.timezone.utc def FixedOffset( offset_hours: float, offset_minutes: float, name: str ) -> datetime.timezone: return datetime.timezone( datetime.timedelta(hours=offset_hours, minutes=offset_minutes), name ) def parse_timezone( matches: typing.Dict[str, str], default_timezone: typing.Optional[datetime.timezone] = UTC, ) -> typing.Optional[datetime.timezone]: """Parses ISO 8601 time zone specs into tzinfo offsets""" tz = matches.get("timezone", None) if tz == "Z": return UTC # This isn't strictly correct, but it's common to encounter dates without # timezones so I'll assume the default (which defaults to UTC). # Addresses issue 4. if tz is None: return default_timezone sign = matches.get("tz_sign", None) hours = int(matches.get("tz_hour", 0)) minutes = int(matches.get("tz_minute", 0)) description = f"{sign}{hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}" if sign == "-": hours = -hours minutes = -minutes return FixedOffset(hours, minutes, description)
[docs]def parse_date( datestring: str, default_timezone: typing.Optional[datetime.timezone] = UTC ) -> datetime.datetime: """Parses ISO 8601 dates into datetime objects The timezone is parsed from the date string. However it is quite common to have dates without a timezone (not strictly correct). In this case the default timezone specified in default_timezone is used. This is UTC by default. :param datestring: The date to parse as a string :param default_timezone: A datetime tzinfo instance to use when no timezone is specified in the datestring. If this is set to None then a naive datetime object is returned. :returns: A datetime.datetime instance :raises: ParseError when there is a problem parsing the date or constructing the datetime instance. """ try: m = ISO8601_REGEX.match(datestring) except Exception as e: raise ParseError(e) if not m: raise ParseError(f"Unable to parse date string {datestring!r}") # Drop any Nones from the regex matches # TODO: check if there's a way to omit results in regexes groups: typing.Dict[str, str] = { k: v for k, v in m.groupdict().items() if v is not None } try: return datetime.datetime( year=int(groups.get("year", 0)), month=int(groups.get("month", groups.get("monthdash", 1))), day=int(groups.get("day", groups.get("daydash", 1))), hour=int(groups.get("hour", 0)), minute=int(groups.get("minute", 0)), second=int(groups.get("second", 0)), microsecond=int( Decimal(f"0.{groups.get('second_fraction', 0)}") * Decimal("1000000.0") ), tzinfo=parse_timezone(groups, default_timezone=default_timezone), ) except Exception as e: raise ParseError(e)